

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Wurlitzer Electric / Electronic Piano Hedsound Soundfont - Released (New "Classic Mix" Demo added)

You will fall in love with this beautiful instrument: WurliTzer Electronic (Electric) Piano!

Jazz enthusiasts know this timbre very well. And often there are those who think that this instrument is another electronic piano instrument of another brand. Yes this is not a Fender Rhodes, it is a WurliTzer (!)

The Fender-Rhodes waveform is similar to the Sinus-wave. Whereas the Wurly's waveform is more like Square-wave.

I found an average audio package on And I've worked hard on that. I listened to the original Wurlitzer sounds/timbres and I tried to simulate it. Finally I did it! (You can download the same audio package by visiting the link at the bottom of the page, But the sounds of this package aren't the same as in the "Hedsounds WurliTzer E.Piano" soundfont.).

That wasn't enough, in addition to the original "Volume vibrato" effect: I added "Pitch-vibratos" and  "Wah effects" (three of each). Still not enough, this time too: I added the "Chorus" and "Flanger "effects. Once I start, I can't stop it, so I added the "Wurly String+Piano1 and 2"  and "Wurly String1 and 2 " registers.

Each piano patch contains 127 virtual layers. So this soundfont reacts to all dynamics. And there is no frequency-jump (transition)  problems between dynamics..

Maybe you used other Wurly soundfonts. But this soundfont has a significant difference: its size!. Can you believe that a soundfont of just 1MB, contains that much quality and variety of patches (timbre/sound)?

As I always say: Listen to the Demos; Listening to the sound / timbre  is the only way to believe what is said about it.

Wurlitzer Electric / Electronic Piano - Hedsound; Demos

(Accompaniment soundfonts used in the background are my own production.)

Ray Charles - What'd I Say Demo (Chord Intro only)

Compare with the Video below

Jazz Mix Demo (30sec introductory pieces. 4:12 total time)

Classics Mix Demo (8:36 total time)

Patches Demo

Timeline (of the Video above) :

Original Tones:
0:05 Wurly original tone;
0:33 Wurly vol-vib slow; 1:01 Wurly vol-vib med; 1:29 Wurly vol-vib fast;

Hedsound's Tones: 
1:57 Wurly pitch-vib slow; 2:25 Wurly pitch-vib med; 2:53 Wurly pitch-vib fast;
3:21 Wurly filtr-wah slow; 3:49 Wurly filtr-wah med; 4:17 Wurly filtr-wah fast;
4:45 Wurly chorus; 5:13 Wurly flanger
5:41 Wurly+Strings; 6:09 Wurly+Strings2
6:37 Wurly StrEns1; 7:05 Wurly StrEns2 

Downloads:  // 980k zipped, 1261k uncompressed

Release: September/16/2019

Revisions: ../../2019


Wurlitzer E.Piano - Hedsound Version Patch List (16 Patches):

000000Wurly HedsoundOriginal Tone
030000Wurly vol-vib-slow simulated Volume vibrato1 //Original tone
031000Wurly vol-vib-med simulated Volume vibrato2 //Original tone
032000Wurly vol-vib-fast simulated Volume vibrato3 //Original tone
033000Wurly pitch-vib-slowPitch vibrato1 //Hedsound addition
034000Wurly pitch-vib-med Pitch vibrato2 //Hedsound addition
035000Wurly pitch-vib-fastPitch vibrato3 //Hedsound addition
036000Wurly filtr-wah-slowFrequency vibrato1 //Hedsound addition
037000Wurly filtr-wah-med Frequency vibrato2 //Hedsound addition
038000Wurly filtr-wah-fastFrequency vibrato3 //Hedsound addition
040000Wurly chorus Chorus effect //Hedsound addition
041000Wurly flanger Flanger effect //Hedsound addition
045000Wurly+Strs HedSound Piano+Background-Strings //Hedsound addition
046000Wurly+Strs2 HedSoundPiano+8va-Background-Strings //Hedsound addition
050000WurlyStrngs HedSoundSlow Strings only //Hedsound addition
051000WurlyStrs2 HedSound Slow Strings octave-doubled //Hedsound addition
127127^Wurly HedSound End^Separator //Hedsound EOF Mark

I put this sound on the 000: Grand-Piano patch, because it's usually used as an alternative to Grand Piano.

Original Pack's License and Attribute:

Sound pack downloaded from Freesound: This pack of sounds contains sounds by the following user:  - OldBassMan ( )
You can find this pack online at:
License details: Attribution:


  1. Wow, thanks! Could you explain how you got it to such a small file size? You say it has 127 virtual layers? How is that possible with such a small filesize? Where is all the audio material?

  2. Soundfont making is an art.
    This art includes:
    Reduce the size of samples.
    To know and use parameters.

    The construction of 127 virtual layers is possible with frequency modulators. (All virtual audio material is built momently here)

    Someone can also make a 2/4/8GB soundfonts by sampling just this soundfont. But this is just creates many samples, a lots of space and a heavy CPU load.

    1. Also: String patches are derived from the same piano sound 😎

    2. Thanks for the reply. Personally I prefer more realistic sound. It really doesn't make too much of a difference whether a library is 3 MB or 30 MB big. It might make a difference once we enter 300 MB territory.
