

Monday, November 4, 2019


Hedsound offers a special organ soundfont: Hedsound-Original-B3-Presets!

This soundfont is carefully prepared and all parameters are written separately. With this soundfont you will make beautiful compositions and listen to organ works in high quality.

The B3 Org, as you all know, is one of the most beautiful semi-electronic organs created by the former Hammond company. This beautiful instrument has been created for you to use with Musescore (or another note-writing program that can play soundfont).

During the preparation stage, dozens of resources, from service manuals to university research, were examined one by one and carefully. And believe it or not: this sound-font was created entirely from the beginning eight times!.

This is not a "sampled" sound font. Samples are composed of sine waves generated by a special method. This is a sound-font created by an additive synthesis method.

This soundfont includes Original Presets and several additional patches. These are:

|#|Name      |Upr&Lwr| Params   |
|1|Theater   |  Yes  | Original |
|2|Liturgical|  Yes  | Original |
|3|Percussive|  Yes  | Original |
|4|Extra     |  Yes  | HedSound |
|5|Pedal     |  No   | HedSound |
|6|Jazz      |  Yes  | Original |
|7|Single    |  Yes  | HedSound |
What Upr&Lwr means: It includes different patches for the Upper and Lower keyboard.

Tip: Using these "#" numbers, you can easily access the titles in the mixer of the Musescore software.

Differences from original patches:

Original B3 patches are prepared in different dynamics such as piano, pianissimo, forte. In my experiments, it was noticed that it was necessary to constantly put dynamics on the staff to adjust the sound balance. Since it was found to be a feature that prevents creativity, the attenuations of all patches was balanced as much as possible.

And unfortunately, balancing between patches is not an easy task. Because it was noticed that the timbre of the original sound changed when the option to simply reduce the parameters was applied. Therefore, a special method was used to preserve the original timbre.

Example: Let that the drawbar parameters are 842. If you use 731 to decrease a level, the error occurs. The exact equivalent should be 742. And at first glance it may seem impossible to reduce the value of 842 twice, because the third parameter may be problematic (620?), but there is no problem here, the real equivalent of this is only 632.

Reason: The parameters used to create the sound level must be specially calculated to maintain the original balance each time the level is lowered. For example: to lower a level, you must multiply the given value by 0.875. And if we multiply our values by 0.875, we get 7 for 8; 3.5 for 4; and 1.75 for 2. If we round them to the nearest numbers, we get 742.

Likewise, it will be necessary to apply the same method when increasing parameters. If you don't have a table that shows the multiplication/division of these parameters, it can be very tiring and time consuming to apply.

PS: The same method has been used extensively when creating all chorus patches.


Of course, it's not possible to fully understand the instrument's sound by reading what is written here. You also need to listen to it to understand how it sounds. Here are the demos:

All demos were performed with HedOrgan-B3-Presets-V84d.sf3 soundfont.

HedSound-B3Organ Classical Demo

00:06 Cradle Song- Fr. Schubert
02:00 Beautiful Dreamer - Foster
03:06 Air (from Suite in D) - J.S.Bach

HedSound-B3Organ Jazz Demo

00:08 Jimmy1, 01:08 Jimmy2, 02:09 Jimmy3, 03:10 Burner,
04:10 Groove, 05:11 Smooth Bass, 06:12 Shirley,
07:14 JimmyMc, 08:15 Fat Bass, 09:16 AllNine

HedSound-B3Organ Demo
"Aloha Oe"

More demos are available in the download-file.

Some Additional Information:

For Musescore software: All dynamics are independent of other staves. (if added with HedSound-B3-Vxx-instruments.xml or HedSound-B3Organ template). In other words: a dynamic that you put in the upper (top) staff, only affects upper (top) staff.


Vibrato1: Orchestral Instrument vibrato
Vibrato2: Medium (Organ) vibrato
Vibrato3: Opera singer's vibrato

Chorus1: Instrumental accompaniment chorus
Chorus2: Small instrument group chorus (example: Four instrument's unison)
Chorus3: Choral Chorus (Ensemble chorus)

Vibrato and Chorus patches are re-implemented.

Leslie simulation: This effect is embedded in jazz patches and not applicable to other patches.

This soundfont, by its nature, does not conform to General-MIDI or any other standard. Because it contains the sounds of a particular instrument and mixtures of these sounds.

A ready organ template file is "B3_Organ_Template.mscz"

When you press the "Load from score" button in the "Fluid" tab of the "Synthesizer", the presets and soundfont will be loaded automatically.


The template file provided with the package are prepared for easy use.
You will copy these file to the templates directory of musescore in your user directory.

After creating a new file from the template, press the "Load from score" button in the Synthesizer's Fluid'tab, and the presets and soundfont settings will be loaded automatically.

It is a good start to examine the samples before use.

Get to know and explore the soundfont. This will give you ease of use.

I wish you good use.


HedSound-B3-Organ-SF2-zip //  Universal: SF2 version 8.7MB unzipped

HedSound-B3-Organ-SF3-zip // for Musescore: SF3 version 1.4MB unzipped


All parameters and samples were prepared by me.
This is not a "sampled" sound font. Samples are composed of sine waves generated by a special method. This is a sound-font created by an additive synthesis method.
Free for personal use. - ©2019-Ziya Mete Demircan

November/4/2019 : Released

Preset List

*The names here refer to electronic organ registers (and sounds)
and don't mean that the sounds are the same as the sounds of real instruments.

|Bank | PC  | Name*                 |      Info.           |
| 000 | 000 | 1 [ Theater Upper ]  | No Sound, Title Only |
| 000 | 001 | Fr.Horn 8'        C# |                      |
| 000 | 002 | Tibias 8' 2'      D  |                      |
| 000 | 003 | Clarinet 8'       D# |                      |
| 000 | 004 | Novel Solo 8'     E  |                      |
| 000 | 005 | Theater Solo 16'  F  |                      |
| 000 | 006 | Oboe Horn 8'      F# |                      |
| 000 | 007 | Full Tibias 16'   G  |                      |
| 000 | 008 | Trumpet 8'        G# |                      |
| 000 | 009 | FullThtrBrass 16' A  |                      |
| 000 | 010 | 1 [ Theater Lower ]  | No Sound, Title Only |
| 000 | 011 | Cello 8'          C# |                      |
| 000 | 012 | Dulciana 8'       D  |                      |
| 000 | 013 | VibraHarp 8'      D# |                      |
| 000 | 014 | Vox 8' Tibia 4'   E  |                      |
| 000 | 015 | String Accomp. 8' F  |                      |
| 000 | 016 | Open Diapason 8'  F# |                      |
| 000 | 017 | Full Accomp. 8'   G  |                      |
| 000 | 018 | Tibia 8'          G# |                      |
| 000 | 019 | Bombarde 16'      A  |                      |
| 000 | 020 | 2 [ Liturgical Upr ] | Title; No Sound.     |
| 000 | 021 | Stopped Flute     C# |                      |
| 000 | 022 | Dulciana          D  |                      |
| 000 | 023 | Fr.Horn           D# |                      |
| 000 | 024 | Salicional        E  |                      |
| 000 | 025 | Flutes 8' 4'      F  |                      |
| 000 | 026 | Oboe Horn         F# |                      |
| 000 | 027 | Swell Diapason    G  |                      |
| 000 | 028 | Trumpet           G# |                      |
| 000 | 029 | Full Swell        A  |                      |
| 000 | 030 | 2 [ Liturgical Lwr ] | Title; No Sound.     |
| 000 | 031 | Cello             C# |                      |
| 000 | 032 | Flute String      D  |                      |
| 000 | 033 | Clarinet          D# |                      |
| 000 | 034 | Diap,Gamba,Flute  E  |                      |
| 000 | 035 | Great no reeds    F  |                      |
| 000 | 036 | Open Diapason     F# |                      |
| 000 | 037 | Full Great        G  |                      |
| 000 | 038 | Tibia Clausa      G# |                      |
| 000 | 039 | FullGreat+16'     A  |                      |
| 000 | 040 | 3 [Percussive Upper] | Title; No Sound.     |
| 000 | 041 | OrchestralBells Solo |                      |
| 000 | 042 | Celeste Solo         |                      |
| 000 | 043 | Xylophone Solo       |                      |
| 000 | 044 | Vibraphone Solo      |                      |
| 000 | 045 | Chimes Solo          |                      |
| 000 | 046 | Glockenspiel Solo    |                      |
| 000 | 047 | Bell Lyra Solo       |                      |
| 000 | 048 | Solo 2nd Perc fast   |                      |
| 000 | 049 | Solo 2nd Perc slow   |                      |
| 000 | 050 | 3 [Percussive Lower] | Title; No Sound.     |
| 000 | 051 | Orchestral Bells Acc |                      |
| 000 | 052 | Celeste Acc          |                      |
| 000 | 053 | Xylophone Acc        |                      |
| 000 | 054 | Vibraphone Acc       |                      |
| 000 | 055 | Chimes Acc           |                      |
| 000 | 056 | Glockenspiel Acc     |                      |
| 000 | 057 | Bell Lyra Acc        |                      |
| 000 | 058 | Solo 2ndPerc fst Acc |                      |
| 000 | 059 | Solo 2ndPerc slw Acc |                      |
| 000 | 060 | 4 [ Extra Upper ]    | Title; No Sound.     |
| 000 | 061 | Concert Flute 8'     |                      |
| 000 | 062 | Oboe 8'              |                      |
| 000 | 063 | English Horn 8'      |                      |
| 000 | 064 | Saxaphone 8'         |                      |
| 000 | 065 | Bassoon 8'           |                      |
| 000 | 066 | Trombone 8'          |                      |
| 000 | 067 | Violin 8'            |                      |
| 000 | 068 | Solo Strings 8'      |                      |
| 000 | 069 | Full Swell Mix       |                      |
| 000 | 070 | 4 [ Extra Lower ]    | Title; No Sound.     |
| 000 | 071 | Vox Humana 8'        |                      |
| 000 | 072 | Aeoline 8'           |                      |
| 000 | 073 | Soft Strings 8'      |                      |
| 000 | 074 | Vox Celeste 8'       |                      |
| 000 | 075 | Accomp Diapason 8'   |                      |
| 000 | 076 | Principal 8'         |                      |
| 000 | 077 | Principal 8' 4' 2'   |                      |
| 000 | 078 | Vox Humana 16'       |                      |
| 000 | 079 | String Chorus 16'    |                      |
| 000 | 080 | 5 [ Pedal ]          | Title; No Sound.     |
| 000 | 081 | Theatr Solo Bass 16' |                      |
| 000 | 082 | Full Tibias Bass 16' |                      |
| 000 | 083 | FullThtrBrassBas 16' |                      |
| 000 | 084 | Bombarde Bass 16'    |                      |
| 000 | 085 | Diap Profunda Bs 16' |                      |
| 000 | 086 | Vox Humana Bass 16'  |                      |
| 000 | 087 | String Chrs Bass 16' |                      |
| 000 | 088 | Glocknspiel Bass 16' |                      |
| 000 | 089 | Bell Lyra Bass 16'   |                      |
| 000 | 090 | Contra Clarinet 16'  |                      |
| 000 | 091 | Contra Fagotto 16'   |                      |
| 000 | 092 | Contra Trombone 16'  |                      |
| 000 | 093 | Contra Tuba 16'      |                      |
| 000 | 094 | Bass Flute 16'       |                      |
| 000 | 095 | Open Diap Bass 16'   |                      |
| 000 | 096 | Wood Diap Bass 16'   |                      |
| 000 | 097 | Jazz Bass            |                      |
| 000 | 098 | Jazz Bass ls         |                      |
| 000 | 099 | BassReg 80           |                      |
| 000 | 100 | 6 [ Jazz Upper ]     | Title; No Sound.     |
| 000 | 101 | Jimmy1            C# |                      |
| 008 | 101 | Jimmy2 (no perc)  D  |                      |
| 016 | 101 | Jimmy3 Lf         D# |                      |
| 000 | 102 | Burner            E  |                      |
| 000 | 103 | Groove            F  |                      |
| 000 | 104 | SmoothBass        F# |                      |
| 000 | 105 | Shirley           G  |                      |
| 000 | 106 | JimmyMc (Ls slw)  G# |                      |
| 000 | 107 | FatBass Ls        A  |                      |
| 000 | 108 | AllNine Lf        A# | *New Suzuki Presets  |
| 000 | 109 | 6 [ Jazz Lower ]     | Title; No Sound.     |
| 000 | 110 | Jimmy1 acc        C# |                      |
| 008 | 110 | Jimmy2 acc        D  |                      |
| 016 | 110 | Jimmy3 acc Lf     D# |                      |
| 000 | 111 | Burner acc        E  |                      |
| 000 | 112 | Groove acc        F  |                      |
| 000 | 113 | SmoothBass acc    F# |                      |
| 000 | 114 | Shirley acc       G  |                      |
| 000 | 115 | JimmyMc acc Ls    G# |                      |
| 000 | 116 | FatBss acc Ls     A  |                      |
| 000 | 117 | AllNine acc Lf    A# | *New Suzuki Presets  |
| 000 | 118 | 7 [Single Sounds]    | Title; No Sound.     |
| 000 | 119 | Org Piano            |                      |
| 000 | 120 | Org Harp             |                      |
| 000 | 121 | Org Guitar           |                      |
| 000 | 122 | Org Accordion        |                      |
| 000 | 123 | Singer 8'            |                      |
| 000 | 124 | 7 [ Single Accomp ]  | Title; No Sound.     |
| 000 | 125 | Acc1                 |                      |
| 000 | 126 | Acc2                 |                      |
| 000 | 127 | Acc3                 |                      |
| 125 | 127 | ©    | No Sound             |
| 126 | 127 | Ziya Mete Demircan   | No Sound             |
| 127 | 127 | ^^HS B3Org EOF^^     | EOF Mark; No Sound.  |
PS: Vibrato and Chorus Patches aren't listed.
Bank 1, 2, 3 vibrato 1, 2, 3; Bank 4, 5, 6 Chorus 1, 2, 3.

What do these "C#, D, D#, ..., " mean?
These are the markers for former Hammond users that indicate which preset is on which key. They don't work in this soundfont. They are only here for historical purposes.

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