

Friday, April 26, 2019

Quick and Dirty Solfege Soundfonts (QDSolfege v3.1) .sf3 (New!)

(Because I'll be preparing a better version of this soundfont, please check this page daily if you're interested.)
new version Released. May-01-2019

I  made a quick and dirty solfege sountfont.

After doing the soundfont, I saw that the midi playback software cannot separate the sharps and flats.


I've found a solution to this problem (but only for the Musescore software). Pls. download the New Version.

What is the problem?:
Let's say the definition in the soundfont is like that:

              C , c# , D , d# , E , F,  f# , G  , g#  , A , a# , B
Sheet music : Do, do#, Re, re#, Mi, Fa, fa#, Sol, sol#, La, la#, Si
Solfege-font: Do, do , Re, re , Mi, Fa, fa , Sol, sol , La, la , Si
              C , c  , D , d  , E , F,  f  , G  , g   , A , a  , B

(While reading the notes as solfege we don't say sharp or flat) * 1
* 1: At least in the French and Italian echoles.

With this description: When we play a "Sol minor" part, all the sib's will be read as la!
(Because the software sees it as "la#")

              G  , A , Bb
Sheet music : Sol, La, Sib
Solfege-font: Sol, la, la  (!)
              G  , A , a  

In this case, I made two soundfonts. One reads as sharps and the other reads as flats.

Unfortunately, in some cases there are problems that cannot be solved.
For example, when in the "Sol-minor / G-minor"  includes the "fa# / f#" note, the flat-soundfont read it as Sol-bemol (gb).

I've found a solution to this problem (but only for the Musescore software). Pls. download the New Version.


New Version!

Diese and Bemol

Pasquale BONA, Demo


New Version: (1MB)  (May/1/2019; 2.update)

Readme.txt (for New version only):

Copy "Solfege.xml" to your own "Instruments" folder.
Open the Musescore software, select Preferences from the Edit menu
and select Score Tab from the pop-up window.
Enter the file path of "Solfege.xml" from "Insrument list 2".


For advanced users only:
Close the Musescore software.
Open the file "Solfege.xml" in a text editor,
copy it from the marked places,
and paste it at the end of the original "Instruments.xml" file.
And save the file.
Open Musescore software.



For special bemol/flat and/or diese/sharps:
Click on the note.
Add Staff-Text with Ctrl + T.
Right-click the text you just added and select "Staff-text properties".
Select the one that matches the situation in the boxes. (and voices)

The "diese/sharp and/or bemol/flat" change you last entered (with staff text) remains valid.
You must enter a new one to restore it.
By default: Select "diese/sharp".

Open the "QDSolfege_test-#b.mscz" file in Musescore and examine the usage of staff text.


Old Version:
QDSolfege-bemols.sf3 (548Kb)
QDSolfege-dieses.sf3 (548Kb)


  1. New version is added.
    Solfege.xml for the Musescore is included in the zip file.

  2. Pasquale BONA, Demo Solfege Video; added.

  3. Thank you so much this amazing! I am a music student using moveable "do" system. Can you make two sound font one for minor and one for major scale. Also the "do" is then just dependent on the key for example in key of F "do" is F. for minor it woule be Do Re Me (May) Fa So le (Lay) Te(Tay) Do. Thank you so much you have no idea how useful this program is for me. Thank you again!

  4. @Joseph
    Please give me some time to explore how this can be done.
    If it can be done, I will.

  5. I have this loaded into my MuseScore_3, but can't get it to "sing" the solfege. Can you help?

    1. Make sure Sounfont appears on the synthesizer. If not, load with the "Add" button.

      If the Soundfont is present in the synthesizer, check the mixer; On one of the channels: The QDsolfege-xxxx patch should appear.

      And for use, I recommend you read the above readme.txt

    2. to Blogger- You have to right click on staff properties, go to advanced style properties, and then you can choose moveable or fixed solfege and it should sing. After this, sometimes it only works after I click on another instrument first, and then go back and reselect the diese

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Hello, since I wrote this comment in 2022, many people may not see it, but at least I want to find someone who listens to the problem I will tell you soon. It says E# to F in the solfeggio sound font you have thrown. I am looking for a solution to this problem, it is not written anywhere. Of course, the most logical choice is to write a comment under the site that created this font. (Sorry if my English is bad) I'm waiting for your help.

    1. It's been a long time since I made this soundfont and I really don't remember what I did in the config.
      Maybe it can be fixed with a few settings in the xml file.
      I will deal with this issue in a few days.

    2. It is related to the fact that the person whose voice is recorded cannot start the sound well (intonation) in the current recording. (This is why this soundfont was called Quick and Dirty).
      If you can find free and better solfeggio samples I can fix it (I could'nt find.)
