

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Vintage Sound Modules (SF3) (Last minute update)

Vintage Sound Modules (SF3)

(Coming Very Soon)

 May20: Last minute update: >>See at the bottom of the page <<

I'm preparing GM / GS compatible versions of old sound modules.
(Proteus, Roland, Yamaha, Korg, Alesis etc.)

They're just in sf3 format and for Musescore. I am currently in the process of selecting and creating samples. Then I will proceed to the creation of Instruments and Presets.

Imitation is imperative for most Sound Modules. Since we cannot access ROM samples, it is necessary to sample from line-out or to simulate existing samples.

I will try to catch a medium quality. (I don't want to make high-quality to avoid any damage to the profits of the commercial vendors of the original modules.)

I will share the developments processing under this post. (If you want, bookmark this page)

Started: working for Proteus. The Pro7use GM Soundfont page is here: