

Monday, April 22, 2019

Studio Session Band SV Mono 3.2 soundfont sf2 and sf3 (Sold, Canceled)

Studio Session Band SV Mono 3.2 (Sold, Canceled.)

Now I am working on the Studio Session Band Collection v1.2 soundfont.
Named as SSB-C-SV-Mono-v1.2 (with totally different samples and sounds)
You can follow the development here: studio-session-band-collection-v1.2


  • 386 Presets!  (Updated) 
  • including 30 GM/GS Drum Kits.and 8 XG Drum Kits.
  • Fully compatible with GM1 (Instruments: 0-127 and Drumkits) and GS extensions (Also many mone extra banks with GS compatible)
  • It took more than 2 years to prepare and adjust.
  • Including Musescore demos (mscz), and Instrument list.
  • Gongs (7), Cornet, Cornet mute, Cup mute trumpet, Flugelhorn, Timpani roll and Timpani Hit+Roll instruments  are included.
  • Also has some well known Turkish instruments: Ney (Nay), Kanun (Kanoon or Rabab), Ud (Oud), Baglama (Tambora). And a famous Greek Instrument : Bouzuki (Buzuki); Italian Mandolin. Real Banjo, Ukulele and Er hu.
  • Vocals, Choruses, Voices and Jazz Voices (including JazzScat).
  • Many more Guitar and Bass presets.
  • This soundfont focuses on Pop, Rock and Jazz instruments. But you can also use it for classical and Folk musics.
  • Mono soundfont. (Pan positions can be adjusted for all instruments)

  • SF2 (uncompressed) version is about 453 MB
  • SF3 (Hi-Q compressed) version is about 121 MB
  • SF3 (MedQ compressed) version is about 58.6 MB
  • SF3 (LowQ compressed) version is  about 39.4 MB


Jazz&Fusion (New!)

Glowin' (Jazz Vocal Demo)

Smooth Rain
(a "Gentle Rain" spoof)

Drums: Brush Kit


Coming Soon

Current: Adjusting device balances. 2019/07/11


  1. Скажите пожалуйста а когда будет Studio Session Band SV Mono 3.2

  2. "Smooth Rain", a "Gentle Rain" spoof; added.

  3. Büyük emek ve özveriyle oluşturduğun bu muhteşem sayfa için sonsuz teşekkürler; fevkaladesin.

  4. Здравствуйте а когда выйдет Студийная сессия группы SV Mono 3.2

  5. Были некоторые неожиданные проблемы. Все еще работаю над этим.
