Classical-Guitar-Hedsound (Released - Bonus)

Classical-Guitar-Hedsound Bonus!

Hedsound has made it for you:
Classical (Nylon String) Guitar soundfont.

I'm proud of this soundfont because I got a unique sound quality.

This soundfont is based on samples in a giga (.gig) format. (Worra's-Campfire-Nylon-Guitar.gig)

The samples were cut and shortened, loop points were created and everything was readjusted.

It was adjusted to the required sound/timbre using special techniques.

General Midi v1 compatible, GS compatible. ,Includes 12 Patches, Compatible with Sound Canvas 55/88x & Roland midifiles.

It takes up incredibly small memory space.

Listen to the Demos. Listening to the sound / timbre  is the only way to believe what is said about it.

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You can only access it from the our flamestudios-guitar-soundfonts-in-sf2 page.
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Classical Guitar - Hedsound; Demos

David  (Short verion)
(Sequenced & Freely Played by Massimo Morrone).
Melody patch= 1:24, Chord Patch= 40:24

Demo-2 Nylon Guitar S458
Patch= 0:24


Classical Guitar-HedSound-SF2 // Universal (1.4 Mb)

Classical Guitar-HedSound-SF3 //for MuseScore (483 Kb)

09 Aug 2019 : Released.
13 Aug 2019 : The demos were not visible to some users because of their access settings; Corrected.

Patch List:
Classical Guitar - Hedsound version

000024Classical Guitar Standard Tone
001024Classical Guitar vibwith vibrato
004024ClsGtr 2 hrd hiHard / Hi-Eq 
005024ClsGtr 2 hrd hi vib" with vibrato
016024ClsGtr 3 sft hiSoft / Hi-Eq 
017024ClsGtr 3 sft hi vib" with vibrato
032024ClsGtr 4 hrd loHard / Lo-Eq
033024ClsGtr 4 hrd lo vib"  with vibrato
040024ClsGtr 5 sft loSoft / Lo-Eq 
041024ClsGtr 5 sft lo vib" with vibrato
016031ClsGtr harmonics
000120Guitar Fret Noise
127127^--HedSound-ClGtr--^ -seperator-

Notice: Banks 1:24, 5:24, 17:24, 33:24 and 41:24 added by Hedsound as "with vibrato" versions of Classical Guitar patches and aren't GM / GS compliant (undefined and empty in GM and GS) and possibly fallback to 0:24 (Nylon Guitar) in other sountfonts.

Samples from: giga format (.gig) soundfont.
All patches are made and adjusted by HedSound.


  1. Thanks for this instrument. Would you be willing to share the original .gig with me? I can't seem to find it anywhere. You can contact me through my website at

    Thanks :)

    1. The information has been sent to your e-mail address.
      Thank you for your interest.
